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Hello St. A's folks!  A short Rewilding the Church project update.  We are grateful this year for support from Trees Canada and the Anglican Foundation.  This summer we will:

  1. Define the main garden beds of the project

  2. Host two work-parties to edge, weed-suppress, and mulch the beds, plant some initial shrubs, and to prep the labyrinth area.  Trees Canada is providing volunteers from Fed Ex to help on June 22nd.  They will also be interviewing us for publication.

  3. We will work with Trees Canada to plant more trees in the fall.

We are looking for volunteers for Saturdays June 8th, and June 22, 1-4pm to

  1. Help shovel mulch, lay cardboard, and plant
  2. Help provide light refreshments for workers

Please let Rev. Jonathan know if you can help!

We are building a Rewilding specific newsletter, if you would like to get more specific updates on the project, please add your name here: 

Rewilding e-news

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