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This Lent we gather around the teachings of the indigenous Medicine Wheel that gives us an image of our wholeness as humans and as people of faith.  The Wheel embodies an image of our whole life Childhood - Adolescence - Adulthood - Eldership, and it embodies the four quadrants of our health: Physical - Mental - Emotional - Spiritual.  Among the wheel's many teachings, we will focus on this last set.

Lent I - Physical

Lent II - Mental

Lent III - Guest preacher & Celebrant the Ven. Jordan Haynie Ware from Good Shepherd Anglican Church Edmonton

Lent IV - Emotional

Lent V - Spiritual

As well, there will be an online study of Benedictine Spirituality on Wednesday evenings (*beginning March 19) from 7-8 pm led by Rev. Jonathan.  A link will be sent out each Wednesday via the parish e-newsletter.