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  1. Advent begins Sunday, December 1st, 2024
  2. Solstice Event/Blue Christmas Service with St Augustine's at Grace United Church, Saturday, December 21st - 
    A service for those who have difficulty in celebrating the “joy” of Christmas. Held on the winter solstice, this service invites us into the sacred space of the longest night of the year. Please come for as much or as little time as you need to nourish your spirit on the longest night of the year.
    5:30-6:00PM Candle Lighting and silent time in the sanctuary.
    6:00-7:00PM Reflective Music, contemplation, and candle lighting (come and go as needed).
    7:00PM Blue Christmas Service
    Following the service there will be refreshments and time for conversation downstairs in the Sunshine Room                
  3. Lessons & Carols service Sunday, December 22nd @10am Expect lots of community-led music, seasonal reading, and the children's pageant!! Musicians, contact Megan C. if you want to help out.
  4. Christmas Eve Early - 4 pm, a simple, kid-approachable candlelight Communion service.  Want to help out?  Let Rev. Jonathan know as he will need 5-6 helpers for the sermon activity.
  5. Christmas Eve Late - 9 pm Carols Sing, 9:30 pm Candlelight Holy Communion.  Post-service goodies not yet planned (hint, hint)
  6. Christmas Day Service - 8am simple communion service.  Also livestreamed.
  7. Sunday, December 29 - Service is at 10 am only.
  8. Twelfth Night Celebration. We close off our Christmas celebration with this ancient tradition.  Saturday, January 4th, 5:30 pm community potluck and Evening Prayer.  Yes, we will sing the song :)  Bring a main course or dessert or your leftover Xmas treats.  Does anyone want to make us a big pot of Wassail?
  9. We celebrate the Epiphany in church Sunday, January 5th, back to both 8 & 10 am services.